Music Connection Magazine
New Music Critique: Sarah Lightman
“Today” is better still; the video begins with Lightman stepping up to a mic and taking a deep breath before letting loose. “‘Today”’ serves as a powerful anthem for those facing the daunting task of making difficult decisions,” she says. Important stuff!
Nashville Voyager
Hi Sarah, so excited to have you on the platform. So before we get into questions about your work-life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today?
It took some time to feel worthy of this path, but with the right things lining up at the right time, I quit acting and went full time into music instead. I started out doing street performing and moved toward sponsorships, residencies, venue gigs, songwriter rounds, and album releases, and now I’m entering the world of festivals and building an online fanbase…...
LA Music Critic
Interlude Album Review: Sarah Lightman came to Los Angeles to be an actress but gave it up to become a singer-songwriter. If her debut album, Interlude, is any indicate, she made the right choice. Her songs offer hope and are sung with such a sweet voice that the listener can’t help but be drawn up. Her music deserves heavy rotation on radio stations nationwide, and her songs should be highly considered for placement in television and film. We especially love…
Podcasts and Radio Features
KTLA5 - Spoken Dreams
Sarah Lightman, Singer-songwriter/Recording Artist
Sarah Lightman is a singer-songwriter and recording artist from the small town of Hightstown, New Jersey. She grew up in a family of artists and musicians. Naturally Sarah wanted to follow a similar path, but didn’t quite know exactly where she fit in. She started with music, but then would later abandon the craft to pursue a career in acting. Eventually, Sarah moved to Los Angeles, where she struggled to make friends and find her place in the city.Over time, however, Sarah slowly began to find “her people”—it started with co-workers and then evolved to include like-minded creatives. Sarah’s friends all kept telling her the same thing, “Why are you in L.A. trying to become an actor? You should be doing music!” With some tentativeness, Sarah started doing more with her music, and she fell in love with it again. Now Sarah is thriving as a singer-songwriter and recording artist not just making music, but making music with a purpose…
Clear the Haze
S3 Episode 28 - Getting To Know Singer/Songwriter/Recording Artist, Sarah Lightman!
Hi again everyone! We're back with another episode of Clear The Haze and this time, we had our first submission come on the air and join us! Multi talented artist, Sarah Lightman came and joined us today and she performed some live music from her new album titled "Interlude," and we discussed her life both past and present, existing in LA, her favorite tracks from the album, and what they mean to her as well as so much more!
KVCM Monarch’s Radio
This interview features Sarah on 95.1 KVCM radio with radio host Greg Tapscott
Just keep it moving powerfully - “My conversation and live performance with Sarah Lightman 10-02-2019.” You can check out the interview by clicking the button bellow…